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Have you heard the saying that life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you react to it? Mr. Joseph is a perfect example of how a positive attitude can help you overcome countless obstacles.

Mr. Joseph is 90-years-old and a native of Kaplan, Louisiana. Before he retired, he worked offshore as a crane operator after serving two years in the Army. Mr. Joseph’s life took a turn after what seemed to be a harmless visit to the doctor. He was diagnosed with bone cancer which had spread all over his body, including his spine. Although this was devastating news, Mr. Joseph was ready to fight back. He began the long process of treatment and each session made him feel more sickly. The treatments ultimately left him with increased weakness and an inability to eat.

He spent the next two months fighting for his life and arrived at Kaplan Healthcare Center in an extremely fragile state. At the facility, Mr. Suire gave his best effort to work hard every single day. During therapy he would often make comments like “Let’s do it!” and “What do I have to lose?”

Soon he began showing progress and excelling in every activity he was assigned. He went from being confined in a wheelchair to walking with a rolling walker and even got his appetite back. Mr. Joseph never missed a beat and always gave 100%. After only 30 days of therapy, he has regained his strength and independence! He often quoted, “Do whatever you can to take care of yourself by yourself.” Mr. Joseph has since returned home and is living life to the fullest on his own. Many obstacles can be overcome with a can-do attitude!

When most people face health issues, they feel depressed and anxious. It is truly inspiring when you meet a resident who faces these obstacles with determination and a smile. Such is true of Ms. Sarah, a 74-year-old native of Gueydan, Louisiana.

Sarah worked in the medical field as a certified nursing assistant until health issues forced her to retire. With her medical expertise, she knew the road to recovery would be tough.When Sarah developed a non-healing diabetic wound on her heel at home, she was treated constantly but to no avail. This non-healing wound resulted in an above knee amputation, but that didn’t slow her down. She was determined and always gave more effort than required. Before long, Sarah was walking 30 feet with a platform walker and transferring to/from bed using a sliding board.

Ms. Sarah faced obstacles that would have anyone feeling defeated or depressed. She defeated every challenge with a smile. All of her hard work and optimism has paid off. Sarah is now discharged from the facility and lives at home independently. She looks forward to receiving her prosthesis, and when she has mastered that process, she promises to come back to the facility to “show off.”

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